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The TPSF Legacy Endowment


Our Goal

Currently, 90 Cents of every dollar raised by the Tustin Public Schools Foundation funds programs that serve nearly 22,000 K-12 students at 30 Tustin Unified schools in Tustin, North Tustin, Irvine, and parts of Santa Ana.  The TPSF Legacy Endowment was created to grow TPSF's Endowment fund to cover all operating expenses of the Foundation so that 100% of each dollar raised will benefit Tustin Unified students.

To accomplish this, OUR GOAL is to double our current endowment fund of approximately $2 million.  This will result in an additional $100,000 to support Tustin Unified students, independent of all other TPSF Fundraising.

For information, please contact Andrea Dabrow


How can you help?

Join the FOUNDERS CIRCLE with a one-time endowment gift.

  • Make a $1500 cash gift OR

  • Give a minimum of $2500 in appreciated stock assets OR

  • Leave a gift to the Foundation in your will or estate plan

Join the LEGACY CIRCLE with a recurring gift.

  • Pledge a minimum donation of $500 per year for 10 years

  • TUSD employees can participate in the Legacy Circle by making payroll pre-tax contributions of at least $250 per year for 10 years.

Make a leadership gift as a member of the PLATINUM LEGACY CIRCLE, our Highest level of membership.

  • Please contact us to discuss Platinum Legacy Circle custom options for larger gifts and multi-year pledges.

Endowments are not consumed. Donors are giving a gift that will make a difference for years to come. Your gift to the Tustin Public Schools Foundation endowment, whether as a memorial, a recurring gift, or a planned gift, will continue to express your values and generosity for future generations.

Together at the Top

We are grateful to these forward-thinking community members who have given to the Tustin Public Schools Foundation Legacy Endowment. 


Jonathan and Laurie Abelove | Gerry and Diane Aust | Gerry and Diane Aust in Memory of Marilyn Stone | Mark and Cathy Brownstein | Becky Cameron | Brooke Carreras | Juanity Cluster | Ann P. Davert | Doug and Melanie Davert | Susan Davidson | Kathi Denny | Devon and Jolene Dougherty | Michelle England | Mark and Debbie Ewing | Michael and Tami Faulwell | Tony and Lori Fiduk | Erick Fineberg | Former TPSF Board Members Honoring Joann Ruden | Megan Foss | Greg and Debbie Franklin | Kelly Fresch | Troy Fresch | Douglas and Elizabeth (Lisa) Frost | John and Carol Garrett | Bob and Dianne Glassman | Mai Huynh | Grant Litfin | Rebecca Gomez and John McKeon | Carl and Kathy Greenwood | Annette and Tom Haigh | John and Sheila Hanson | Dave and Julie Hirz | Peter and Gail Holden | Steve and Linda Jennings | Doris Jordan | Ashesh and Sujata Kamdar | Kamal (Jim) Kamuran | Armen and Mikelle Karamardian | Kim and Lori Leason in Memory of Jack Marion Osborn M.D. | Chuck Lewis | Grant Litfin | Loma Vista Elementary-Friends and Colleagues of Mary Chandler | Bob and Pat Machado | The Malloy Family and Teacher Created Materials | Christine Matos | James and Joan McBride | Sissy Oberlin | Deanna Parks | Bill and Michael-Ann Pevehouse | Charles and Kristine Proctor | Joe and Carol Quartucci in Memory of Jordan Burby | Curtis and Connie Rach | Donnie Rafter | Joann P. Ruden in Memory of Jack and Clara Paige | Katy Sheyka | Ray and Cori Seiler | Buddy and Margie Sepulveda | The Servino Family | John and Jeanne Siegel | David Smith | Henry and Christine Smith | Phllip and Connie Smith | Melinda Smith | Russell and Renee Stein | Lyn Steinle | TPSF Board Presidents | Tracey Vander Hayden | Michael Velez | Maggie Villegas | Paul and Sutten Wasserman | Dorothy White | Wendy White | Stephanie Yang


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To mobilize the community and its resources to further excellence in Tustin Unified Schools.


Address:   150 El Camino Real, Suite 140  Tustin, CA 92780

Tax ID: 33-0353928

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